Bass fishing games are nothing new to the arcade game market. Sega Bass Fishing has long been regarded as one of the best. Originating in the 1990s, millions of people have played the game. The makers of the Nintendo Wii have come up with a new version that is now considered one of the best bass tournament games that money can buy. Many players find that it is so realistic it conjures up fishing memories from their childhood.The bass fishing game for the Nintendo Wii is rated E for everyone, and has several different modes, including arcade, practice, tournament and nature modes. Practice mode helps improve the player’s skill at the game, which will better prepare the player for tournament mode. Bass tournament mode allows the player to fish in ten different bodies of water, and allows the player to compete in such a competition.Arcade mode is basically an original version of the game. Nature mode allows the player to casually fish in a body of water, without a time limit or any other restrictions. Whatever mode of play you choose, this game can be quite fun and offers several hours of fishing “play.” The different modes of play add to the charm of the game and will keep you from becoming bored.Sega Bass Fishing is an easy game to learn and it is fun. The controls are quite simple. You just fling the Wiimote to cast the line. After your lure is in the water you can work it by wiggling the Wiimote. Reeling the line in is simple with some easy motions with the nunchuk.You can accumulate different types of fishing tackle by catching fish. Once a fish is hooked on your line, you can successfully reel it in by watching the tension of the line with a gauge that is on your television screen. A fish stands a good chance of getting away if you are not careful and your line breaks.If you have a Nintendo Wii, then you must think about purchasing the Sega Bass Fishing game. It is a much more advanced version of the older games. The graphics are much better than the older versions as well, and the ambiance is great.While there is no plot to it, the game is still very fun. Playing the Wii version of this game will surely help you to remember the fishing games that used to be in the arcades.
Tag Archives: Arcade
Video Games – Invitation to Snooping? |
In the mid- to late 1970s, “video game” meant either a Pong unit connected to a television or a bulky arcade monstrosity. There still are arcades, but with plasma displays and 60-inch LCD panels in many homes, you can have state of the art arcade gaming in your own living room, surround sound and all.Today, it’s all about the “consoles” – meaning the new Nintendo Wii, the Sony PlayStation 3 and the XBox 360 from Microsoft. They are all fairly small, have powerful CPUs, advanced graphics subsystems and the full range of CD and DVD compatibilities for music, audio, video and compressed multimedia files. Hackers have even found a way to install computer operating systems on some of these devices, and use them variously as gaming machines, word processors and even Web browsers.Holy grail of virtual realityOf course, video arcades are still around, too, and the newest models have “feedback mechanisms” installed so that, for instance, in a race-car game the “driver” feels engine vibration, hears the tuned exhaust note and gets a nice, throaty squeal by stepping on the brakes. Enclosed game structures promise better and more realistic action all the time as the holy grail of “virtual reality” draws closer all the time through the march of technology.Computer gaming has matured, too, although entry-level computers are not up to the challenge. Gamers either “super-size” their own computers or buy from specialist PC builders, because the software makes tremendous demands on the CPU, the graphics processor and the display. Video game manufacturers have the market covered, though, as their titles are usually released to all the major platforms and computing environments.The “in” and “out” issueOne trend in video games that disturbs for parents of teenagers is the rise of crime-centered story lines, where the bad guys are, well, the good guys. Titles like “Grand Theft Auto” have caused tremendous controversy, as they show shootings, sexual assaults and 100-mph car chases with no legal, social or moral context to the tale. However, adults can decide for themselves what is appropriate and choose from thousands upon thousands of game titles – and decide for their minor children, too. When parents are interested and involved in their children’s lives, video games present no special problem.One special problem that these multiplayer games, and social networking sites, do present is related to security. At the social sites, and in some of the “networked” games, participants view each other with webcams and can hear each other, too, as long as players have microphones connected to their PCs. All of Apple’s laptops and iMacs, as well as most PC laptops, come with webcams and microphones installed.It would not be difficult for advanced computer users – “hackers” and “über-geeks” – to trick, cajole or manipulate the less advanced users into configuring their own systems as spycams. That is, a felonious nerd could use an unsuspecting person’s always-on computer-with-webcam to peer into the latter’s room, and pick up an audio signal, too. This is not a particularly difficult thing to do, especially to someone who is trusting and insufficiently security-oriented.In fact, there is low- and no-cost software available for download that will turn your webcam-connected computer into a home surveillance and video security system. You can log on from anywhere in the world and take a gander around your house to see if the lights are on or your college-student child is throwing a party while you’re out of town. There is nothing to stop a motivated hacker from using a game community or social networking site as a hunting ground for unsecured webcams and setting up the same capability, unbeknownst to you.Vigilance is keyThe only way to protect against this sort of intrusion is to follow certain simple and specific security steps of your own. If you have an always-on computer with a webcam, disable the camera until those times that you actually want to use it. Turn off the microphone, too. In fact, it may be easier simply to question why it is your computer always has to be on. The fact is, it is better for your computer and its components if you do turn it off, at least if it is not being used for a couple of hours or more.There are also ways to allow and disallow various kinds of “network traffic” and communication links. Although this takes a bit more expertise, there is plenty of help available on the Internet, and any experienced computer- and/or video-security professional should be able to advise you on this matter. There are many downsides to the video game boom, and pointless violence in the story lines is not even the most dangerous.The threat to your privacy is quite real here, and your security holes could be exploited by people a lot more menacing than “El Destructo” from the war games community your teenager belongs to. Whether it’s a telemarketing firm or a terrorist group trying to snoop on you through your webcam, you still have the right (last time we checked) to bar all these kinds of “black ops” nutjobs from your home. If there’s any video surveillance to be done around your house, make sure you are the one doing it.
Free Melbourne Attractions – More Great Things to See in Melbourne Victoria Australia |
Melbourne in Victoria is so full of great free things to see and do that we have broadened our list and will continue our search. Close to all your central Melbourne Accommodation and restaurants you will find a large number of attractions to keep you and your family entertained on your Melbourne holiday. The following attractions are all free (at the time of writing) all located within close proximity to accommodation in the City of Melbourne.1.Yarra River: Melbourne’s Yarra River runs along one side of Federation Square and Flinders Street Station and its opposite bank is Southbank. It is a great place to have a BBQ (facilities provided) watch the rowers or during the annual Moomba festival site back and enjoy the Moomba Masters Waterskiing 2.Melbourne City Square: Situated on the corner of Bourke and Swanston Streets, the Melbourne City square has in many ways been superseded by Federation Square. It is, however, an enjoyable place to sit back and take in the water features and visit Melbourne’s giant red gum wombat.3.St Paul’s Cathedral: Located at one of the busiest intersections in Melbourne and opposite Flinders Street Station, St Paul’s Cathedral was built in 1892 and the headquarters of Melbourne’s Anglican community. It has a highly decorated interior, English organ and patterned floor tiles. The Cathedral is open daily, weekdays from 7am and weekends from 8.30am. 4. Sidney Myer Music Bowl: Located in the gardens of Kings Domain the Sidney Myer Music Bowl hosts a number of annual concerts which are free to the general public. There are also a number of ticketed events. 5. Victoria Police Museum: Located at the Victoria Police Centre, Concourse Level, 637 Flinders Street, Melbourne, the Victorian Police Museum is open Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm. Admission is Free. 6. ANZ Bank Museum: Located at 380 Collins Street, Melbourne, the ANZ Bank Museum is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4pm. Closed Bank Holidays. Admission is free. 7. The Block Arcade: The Block Arcade was built in 1891 and is a grand arcade featuring mosaic floors and boutique shops modelled on the European arcades of the late 1800’s 8. Scot’s Church: Located at the corner of Collins Street and Russell Road, Melbourne, Scots Church was built 1873 with heavy gothic influences 9. St Michaels Uniting Church: A Romanesque church located at the corner Collins Street and Russell Road, Melbourne. built in 1866. 10. Sunday Market at the Arts Centre: Located alongside the Yarra Rive just below the Melbourne Arts centre the Sunday Market is small but busy with hand crafted niche products, crafts and paintings for sale. This is a good morning out and easy reached from most central Melbourne accommodation.